It's OK to have questions!
It's OK to have questions!

Can I sign up to walk or run to raise money for my own charity?

We are currently confirming the partcipants for 2022, and will post if slots are available.  E-mail dj@rodrian.com directly if you want to enter a team -- every once in a while a team will drop out or cancel.

If I don't have my own team, can I still be involved?

Everyone is invited to be a Donor to one or more of the 10 teams/charities involved.

All donors, participants, and charities are invited to the casual, family-style picnic at the Finish Line Picnic in Hoyt Park.  Don't forget to RSVP, and of course, bring your dog(s)!

What is happening at the Finish Line Picnic?

If you have RSVP'd, you are welcome to Hoyt Park Area 3 at Noon for some refreshments, to watch the finish of the race, and celebrate.  There will be a short program at about 1:00 p.m. to recognize all of the participants and their charities.  There will be photo opportunties, and dogs are warmly welcomed (all dogs must be on a leash at all times).

This is not a commercial event and there is no fundraising at the picnic -- that's all done in advance.  Food and facilities will be humble, "a family or church style picnic", and we consider this a gathering of friends, new and old, enjoying a nice day and good causes.  The picnic will end around 2:00 p.m.

How is the money handled?

Each team has its own fundraising site through www.titusrelay.com.  All credit card donations entered through a Team site will be processed by MyEvent.com and forwarded to DJ Rodrian at the end of the race.  He will then forward the proceeds (net of credit card charges) to each respective charity.

Each team has its own goal that will be tracked automatically by MyEvent.com.

Offline donations are also possible, if your donors prefer to write a check directly to any of the participating charities.